I see what you're saying due to it be a normal phenomenon. to blue LED light exposure which, compared to green and white LED light. I'm sure if It was just eyes issues we would have found fix for it. 23 And related to entopic phenomena, blue light is directly associated with.

It still enough to be csterogized under a nuerological issue. Either it be and actually psychical issue within our eye or actually static and palinopsia. We see to much that a normal person wouldn't and it causes us alot of stress. AGAIN, PROVEN that our brain isnt doing its job.
#Entoptic phenomena white screen plus#
I'm aware its phsychailly in our eyes.but were seeing way to much of it 24/7, and my eyes plus 90% of the people here have perfect eyes after being tested. NOW that seems to be a brain issue since its not doing its job it normally would. This is all normal phenomenons that usually our brain would tune out because it's useless visual info. The dots themselves are the result of white blood cells moving along capillaries (which is the reason for their color), in front of the retina. Just like how we simply always see our nose, floaters, after images. Be careful who you trust, don't waste your money. Bright dots moving fast when looking into blue light (blue field entoptic phenomenon). Such disruptions can be secondary to retinal and. In contrast, the visual system may be disrupted by various disorders and pathologic processes, which can result in metamorphopsia, transient loss of vision, and positive scotomas. Unfortunately the recent increase in awareness of VS has brought in opportunists looking to line their pockets with your money. Dots are usually black and white but can be colored too. Visual images produced by the intrinsic components of the eyes are often normal and are known as entoptic phenomena. Content posted here is/can be mere speculation and an attempt to understand what is going on with this phenomenon. The truth is we know very little about Visual Snow and its cause. Illusory Palinopsia Sub: Illusory Palinopsia (After Images)Īlthough some members are knowledgeable about Visual Snow please do not take all that is posted as fact. Visual Snow Treatment Report: Research Links Thank you u/urgentresearchīrokensoul39's List of Clinical Trials And Anecdotal Stories: The researchers stated that pinpointing visual snow (and its related symptoms such as afterimages) to a functional problem in a specific brain area may open up possibiities for targeted treatment and that treatment trials will follow.
#Entoptic phenomena white screen trial#
In May 2014 the results from the first major research trial into visual snow were reported.The study described strong evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that the disease is caused by hypermetabolism in the right lingual gyrus and left cerebellar anterior lobe of the brain. The condition is often described as seeing tiny white and black dots that resemble the poor reception a TV can receive, but in a very obscure manner that doesn’t completely impede vision.